Three out of Five, a new part of my series about police violence in France and investigation into how available technology can help ensure police accountability. Using self-portraits, I trained an algorithm that can counter potentially lethal LBD40 shots, with the use of a computer platform, robotic arm, camera, and laser.
Nemo Smith is not a politician. Smith is a politician created by different algorithms. His political campaign and imagery is based on existing ones in the United Kingdom. By analysing them and taking these campaigns to the extreme by using new technologies, Marcel Top tries to create a discussion around the dangers they might pose in the future.
The exhibition 3865 km to the West shows six unique portraits of Mechelen Assyrians against a backdrop linked to an Assyrian story.
The online presence of this person is to be the perfect American citizen. Her online presence is supposed to fool the mass surveillance technology used to track people. By bringing her online presence into the real world, I Hope to create a non surveilled space where people can express and form opinions without any risk of retribution by the government.
For a Canvas documentary, Vranckx & De Nomaden, Alexandro travelled towards south-east Turkey, to the former Assyrian kingdom. Like many others, his parents fled that area in the 1980s and, after some stops, finally ended up in Belgium.