Three out of Five
Text by Carolina Semprucci:
Three out of Five, a new part of my series about police violence in France and investigation into how available technology can help ensure police accountability. Using self-portraits, I trained an algorithm that can counter potentially lethal LBD40 shots, with the use of a computer platform, robotic arm, camera, and laser.
The LBD40, also known as flash-ball, is a weapon classified as non-lethal and is used by the French police to contain protests. Unlike most European countries, France does not strictly regulate the use of this weapon, which continues to cause serious injuries. The official test officers must pass in order to operate this gun allows a 3/5 bullet-hitting-target rate as a passing score. No comprehensive data exists on how properly or frequently these weapons are used, and even though aiming for the head is prohibited, officers that do so are rarely held accountable - suggesting that the widespread arming of police officers is prioritised over the safety of French citizens.